• Interfaces first

    Don't write spec documents, throw away any you have near you, they're next to useless anyway. It might seem like a hearsay to some but it's true and deep down even the most most anal planner in all of us knows it. Two of the biggest reasons for this are:...

  • Is it better?

    After reading this post what Jamie said hit me as well: This is when I realized how trained I was in the processes at my former workplaces. This email would have been delayed until it was perfect[...] After fixing this there would be another thing and then another thing. A...

  • Location services - must try harder

    Location based services, another area where there is certainly a case to be made for someone to make it suck less and probably a number of successful application to build on it. Why it sucks Location services suck because it's inherently hard to map the collection of information on the...

  • What I'm reading: 37 Signals, Defensive Design for the Web

    I've read the excellent Getting Real by 37 signals online and haven't been disappointed by their Defensive Design for the Web. In the real world things go wrong and you can't prevent every error, but you can handle them properly. It's not just a book for coders or webdesginers either,...

  • Weekend catchup

    My weekend catchup reading list. I'm re-reading Getting Real 37 Signals's excellent online book. Essential reading for almost everyone, I just can't recommend it enough. About cross site forgery attacks, not as dangerous as XSS but pretty annoying for users when they're randomly logged out. "50 Kick-Ass Keyword Strategies" by...