• Getting along with Eclipse

    It's been a week or so with a few good days coding in Eclipse, I even took IDEA off my own machines and replaced it so that I'm only working in the one environment and it's going well. I'm pretty much using the default settings and only adding to them...

  • So long IDEA

    I've been using Intellij IDEA for years, I pretty much swear by it for development and I have no real complaints. But now I've got a new job and they use Eclipse. Now, so do I. I figure there is no way to properly learn to use Eclipse if my heart...

  • OAuth 2.0

    I've been updating my OAuth library to support OAuth 2.0 mostly so I can add Facebook to Announce.ly and Sproozi, but more on that later. OAuth 2.0 is similar to 1.0 but changes a few key things fundamentally and isn't backwards compatible. What's wrong with 1.0, doesn't it work? It...

  • Apache falls victim to JIRA XSS exploit

    Anyone with an issues.apache.org account is probably already aware there is an exploit out there for JIRA. Apache and Atlassian have both had servers compromised. More info: https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/apache_org_04_09_2010 If you've signed up for a public JIRA server (or run one) and it wasn't a password you only used for that, you...

  • Another Open Source Library.

    I'm having a bit of a clear out, taking a look at some of the code I've written and I've been pushing some of the stuff I'm currently using up to GitHub under and Apache 2 licence. I've used things in Announce.ly, Sproozi and some other small projects and figure...