You may notice that this site has yet another new design today. I've left blogger and gone back to wordpress and hosted the blog. I like Blogger and I really like the idea of hosted applications but it just wasn't giving me the control I wanted and I was finding it time consuming to get things the way I wanted. 

It's not you, it's me.

Hosted applications are great and Blogger has got to be one of the best free ones out there. I really do like it, but we wanted to make all our goroam pages consistent, so we bought the great thesis theme from diythemes. We bought a developer licence so we could use it on all our sites and would be free to modify it.  I wanted something with a little more space for this blog, I liked running things down the side but it was getting too long and I had no space for anything else. For goroam and citrus I wanted to get something that would combine both the info at the top and blogs towards the bottom. Again in the next week or two we'l hopefully get there with this new theme.

is this the last change?

Honestly, no. I'll probably change a whole load of things over the coming weeks to try and differentiate the sites. Mostly I think I just like to change things.