• Twitter Spam, is it really an issue?

    Andrew Hyde posted "A Message to Twitter Spammers" suggesting that something needed to be done, but does it really? In my comments to his post I asked if it was really necessary for Twitter to go that far, and weather it was really a problem at all.  I'm not sure they need...

  • Started using the mechanical turk

    We launched the crawler a while ago now and the results are impressive and even a little surprising in some respects, while in others they're not. Basically we're happy we found a few thousand pages with geotags on the first crawl though the longer we've let it go the lower...

  • Local business advertising

    A large part of the assumptions we're making with goroam are based around the idea that local business wants to capitalise on the Internet to bring in business. But it's not easy. How do promote a book store, toy shop, cafe or plumber in your local area online, now imagine...

  • Crawler

    [[posterous-content:qkoxcdohJrGvqqGFqDib]] Image via Wikipedia I've been a bit quiet lately, but not inactive. I've been working very hard on our location based service project- A better way to search and explore things around you. Right now everything we're doing is happening in the background, laying the ground work for the...

  • I see the point of git.

    I've made some progress over the last few days getting things working towards getting the crawler online and came across a scenario where git would have been useful and had one of those epiphany movements when distributed development clicked and it made sense to me.  The first run of our crawler is...